Technical Data
Launch Date | 17 October 2008 |
Launch Time | 09:32.14 UTC (10:32:14 BST) |
Launch Lat, Lon | 53.65547, -1.670267 |
Landing Date | 17 October 2008 |
Landing Time | 12.32.22 UTC (13:32:22 BST) |
Landing Lat, Lon | 53.47900, 0.099833 |
Flight Duration | 3:00:18 hh:mm:ss |
Total Distance | 118.5 km |
Max Altitude | 35,015 m (35.015 km) |
Average Ascent Rate | 3.733 m/s (13.440 km/h) |
Average Descent Rate | 23.580 m/s (84.890 km/h) |
Max Descent Rate | 59 m/s (184.894 km/h) |
Impact Speed | 10.908 m/s (39.268 km/h) |
Payload Mass | 0.540 kg |
Balloon Mass | 1.20 kg |
Total Mass | 1.740 kg |
Launch weather
Heading off M1 South
Conversion Problems
CWGet Logging
Help needed Driver and Ground Crew
Load Balloon
Drive to coast
Signal Descovery
Para Failure
Torn connector
Lessons learnt and improvement in the future
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