The LoRa Gateway
Hi all, well it’s been a while and there are a whole lot more people doing this now. Icarus III launch 2 is a commercial launch and will be appearing on the BBC in the autumn. I can’t tell you too much more about it that that at the moment but we should be getting… (read more)
There will be a launch for Boston Spa school tomorrow morning at 14 July 2011
There will be the first launch of Icarus III this weekend. Launch EARS @ 09:00 UTC This was a great launch and tested the new rotating payload I made.
Italian designer Ruben Frosali kindly designed a logo for the Icarus Project. Ruben is based in Japan and works as a freelance designer and is based in Japan.
Well this turned out to be a failure. The power save feature on the camera activated before launch and the a camera turned itself off before launch. So no pictures payload :-(. However on a slightly more positive note Neil managed to video the balloon from launch to burst which is a first for the… (read more)
Flight of Fancy Tethered to earth by gravity’s guy-ropes Trudging out from primordial sludge Sleepwalking down the years in deep-sea divers’ boots Nose to the grindstone we endlessly drudge Oh would that we could fly like Icarus (but without his wings of wax) To ascend unto the heavens like a beautiful balloon Up, up and… (read more)
Here is some amazing work done by Iñaki Docio with the images from Icarus II Launch 3. The picture below shows The Thames esturay going into the channel. On the bottom left you can see France on the other side of the channel. Click on the image to view in a new window at it’s… (read more)
I seem to have got a bit of interest from the media over the last few days. I’m glad everyone enjoyed the pictures and video. Pictures can found here on flickr Please let me know where you read about this project ideally by leaving a comment below or emailing me see contact details menu
Get the payload the right way around Thoughts on picture sequence. Launch Button Pyro Cutdown & Parachute Deployment Landing