The Icarus Project

The Icarus Project

High Altitude Ballooning

Media Interest

I seem to have got a bit of interest from the media over the last few days.

I’m glad everyone enjoyed the pictures and video.

Pictures can found here on flickr

Please let me know where you read about this project ideally by leaving a comment below or emailing me see contact details menu

35 Responses to Media Interest

  1. Hamburg, Germany.
    Absolut amazing vids and pics !!
    saw u pics at german tv yesterday. need more of them 😉


  2. I heard about it from the web edition of the German newspaper Financial Times Deutschland. It is fascinating that you get such great photos with so little financial effort. Keep on!


  3. I just heard – or rather read – about your project in the French newspaper (online version) “Le Monde”!
    Congratulations on this project! It’s so very imaginative, and, for a non-scientist, the photos are a delight.
    Thank you.

  4. Hi Robert,
    Here there is another article for you from Turkey”s newspaper:
    The title is “Shame on Nasa”

  5. I take my hat off to you. Inspirational. Heard your piece on Sat live (and thanks to Fi Glover). Thank you.

  6. Hi Robert

    fantastic!! having been an airline pilot used to look at the earth from max FL 390 (prox. 13’000m). This is just great. Also got some experience with weather baloons from my times in the Swiss Army a few years ago. Still got some parachutes at home. Would maybe help to reduce your descent speed if that’s a problem with your fragile payload? Plse mail if needed. Good luck and looking forward to your next updates.

    (got your link via

  7. Can’t stop coming back to your site after hearing you on Saturday Live. Fantastically inspiring stuff. I’d like to build an Icarus too!!

  8. Amazing achievement!Good to know people are achieving great things with limited resources.Heard the interview on Saturday Live.Have you tried pointing the camera into space?Is the resolution not good enough?Great pictures keep up the good work!!

  9. Absolutely amazing! Heard you on Saturday Live and was so impressed…and now seeing the pictures even more so!! Well done, you’re an inspiration to the inventive and curious everywhere.

  10. I heard you this morning on Radio 4, Saturday live. Wanted to look at the photos immediately but had to go shopping first! Anyway they are amazing and i have watched all the videos too. Please let us know when you send another one up – i didnt realise the blue atmosphere was so thin until i saw your photos. many thanks for sharing your brilliant experience with everyone.

  11. All your work is just so beautiful and I want to thank you. Very moving stuff! Heard you on Radio 4 this morning and wanted to check out the pics. Glad I did!

  12. geat job dude( from Israel)

  13. Beautiful pictures. Well done. Have you thought about using a Posterous blog as it takes your images and presents them really nicely with very little effort?

  14. Hi Robert,
    read an article in a German local newspaper. Wonderful project & amazing photos!
    Go on!

  15. Hi, found out about all this originally on Sky News, followed by various other places. The pictures and tech used to get them has blown me away. Been reading around the web all I can now. Got me thinking about all the other things I’ve been interested in too such as electronics and Ham Radio… Good luck, will be following the scene myself now!

  16. Must have seen you on UK TV. Can’t remember where or when. (Within last two weeks.) I was so impressed with your achievement that I actually remembered your name, and the name of the project. Long enough to be able to look it up under Google this evening and find the site.
    Many thanks for publishing all that you have done, so far; and for documenting what you have done, and making it freely available to all of us. It has inspired me to carry on with some of my own radio-tracking projects — and it makes putting up with some of the other rubbish cluttering up the internet all the easier to bear.

  17. Reading this in Hong Kong. I read about you on the website.

  18. Hi! Is it true that NASA are contacting with you about this photo materials?

  19. Hi Robert,
    I read an article about you on the italian version of Yahoo news:
    You’r really amzing, guy, thanks a lot for sharing your dreams and expertise!

  20. This project and the pictures and videos are amazing and inspiring!!! They make the world feel smaller (both physically and socially).

    I’m excited to see what you and others do next! Maybe you could launch a rocket upwards from the balloon in order to get farther out of the atmosphere.

    I found this via a Google Buzz post by a friend, who found it on

  21. hello! this got me dreaming all afternoon! Can you say on your website when the next launch is? so people can come and give support on these freezing mornings, and get you drinks while waiting 😀

    saw you on a french website:

    véro (london)

  22. Hi Robert!
    I’ve found you through Honestly I didn’t know all this space balloon stuff before, but it’s really amazing.. your photographs are stunning and the all concept, the idea of going up there (I mean, just the camera not you) almost in the space with a balloon is inspiring.. I want to do it me too.. I’m 30 but 25 years ago I used to design fantastic space ships with carton boxes and tape, so, I think I should use all my knowledge to reach the sky!
    Anyway, I’m a graphic designer, if you need some badass logo or spaceship style packaging for your payload let me know, your project is so cool and I’d like to help your mission..
    oh, and keep us updated on the next launches, we want your balloon to reach the moon!! 😀

  23. Dear Robert, your Icarus project’s really great! nice to see someone having such great success, even as a one-man-team 🙂
    As you say you’re using rtty/cw signals, I assume you’re a licenced amateur radio operator – too bad that you don’t mentioned that on your homepage, would be a very good opportunity to show this hobby to the world!

  24. Hi,

    I read an article about your project in an a German Newspaper. It is a great project. Keep it up.

  25. Love what you do! Following an article is Swiss largest free Newspaper:–nobr-30-000–nobr–m-ue-M-10335562

  26. Hi thats just Amazing!! I read it in German Newspaper and can´t belive it.
    Its a fantastic Projekt.
    But i have one question du you want to do an Night start?

    I wish you all Luck and have Fun.

    best regards Christian Braun

  27. Switzerland–nobr-30-000–nobr–m-ue-M-10335562
    As Moonman says its the daily freenewspaper

  28. Found you from… Really cool project

  29. I don’t remember where I first saw the story, but I know I found at least four different sources on it. It’s a truly amazing project and I really look forward to updates!

  30. Berne, Switzerland, there was a picture and a little text in the news (actually its the biggets free newspaper. everybody reads it when going to work.)

    i love it!!! it’s an amazing solution for taking fotos. i’m thinkin’ about building an “stratographer” too… hm, would be a real-cool-ting!

  31. found your site via sky news – amazing images!!! love it! think you have done a great job! keep up the good work! look forward to following your new projects/progress on this site!!

  32. Hello,
    I found your project and your images after an article on the Italian yahoo news reported from one of the main italian private news agency; here you have the links.*&num=15&proxyreload=1

    Congrats, said from an aerospace engineer who admires your spirit and is impressed by your results!!

  33. Hi,

    well done ! I found you via a Russian Website on GNSS

  34. Great images – found you via

  35. Hi,
    This is a really nice site you have set up here, the openness of everything you are doing is great. I have been to some other near space balloon sites and some of them don’t even tell you what camera they use.
    I would love to do something similar to what you are doing, I got an arduino starter pack last year to get into electronics, but I haven’t touched it in the last two months… Anyway, I’ll be digging through your website, and the websites that you have linked to to learn more on how everything works and hopefully I’ll be able to do a similar project one day.

    btw, I read about your project from, who linked to another site that had an article about your project.


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