Here is some amazing work done by Iñaki Docio with the images from Icarus II Launch 3.
The picture below shows The Thames esturay going into the channel. On the bottom left you can see France on the other side of the channel.
Click on the image to view in a new window at it’s original size.
The picture and your story is absolut genius, congratulations for your succes and thank you for this photo!
PermalinkDirk from Germany
you summers geniuses.
Congratulation all these photographs as the history is splendid.
I have make a small article on my blog. very impressing.
Next stage Mars ???
Cleorinne . France. @ bientot.
Good job
I’m impressed!!
how you recovered the camera? The winds could have carried the equipment to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean…or the middle of the desert, or for any inaccessible place on this planet …
If you need to recover your equipment here in Brazil, I and my friends are ready to help as we can
Franklin Ferreira
PermalinkRio de Janeiro
Hi Robert
absolutely fascinating, listening to you on Saturday Live made my usual dull Saturday morning drive to Clacton very enjoyable. I’ve always been fascinated by high altitude photography but I’ve only got as far as the tops of mountains and tall buildings, not quite in your league! I’ll add you to my Favourites and keep a very interested eye on how things progress. Thank you very much for re-awakening my interest in this.
PermalinkHello, Robert! I consider that Ikarus – very interesting project! We know about you – about Ikarus and about Robert Harrisone.
The further successes and good luck! Aleksandr Trofimov from Holy Mother Russia 😉
PermalinkHello, Robert!
Greetings from Missoula, Montana, USA!
I saw your story a few weeks ago on a segment of MSNBC’s Countdown with Keith Olbermann and just heard you being interviewed on Saturday Live (I am a huge fan of Radio 4, which I listen to via my laptop). Loved the pictures and honor you for your enthusiasm, creative thinking and exuberant spirit. The world needs more people like you!
PermalinkAbsolute Magic
I was inspired by your achievements and fascinated to hear the program on Radio 4 this morning – and how I wished that I could have come up with the idea! I’ve been taking pictures since I was a kid and find solving technical photographic problems exciting. If you have space for an enthusiastic volunteer please get in touch.
Keep up the good work – and if you can, please do help the science teacher who wants to do the same with his students. A project like this has the power to change peoples’ lives as it clearly has done yours.
Best wishes – next stop orbit?
I heard your story this morning on Radio 4; truly inspiring. As a science teacher myself I would love to mirror your efforts with my students. I don’t suppose you could offer some guidance as to how we could we could put a similar probe together?
Best wishes and keep up the excellent work.
PermalinkBrilliant. Heard you on Radio 4 Saturday morning. Well done. I love your imagination, talent and hard work – with genuine modesty. Standing on the shoulders of giants needs – but you did it! Dowdie Scotland.
PermalinkI loved this daring-do story, with nobody there to say’ You cant do that’. Hurrah for a free spirit allowed to go on an adventure into the skies with only a balloon, a camera and a parachute! ( albeit with the necessary permission to do so, of course)
PermalinkLoved it! Go boy go!
Heard you on Saturday live this a.m. Think the pictures are fantastic – you must have been so excited when you first saw how high your camera had gone – fantastic!
PermalinkYes, very much money …..
However it is not the only one’ s of your photos where appears this strange image.
My site is temporary suspended.
I’m catholic, i think St. Michael fly up and down from heaven to bring a piece close to the abyss humanity’s edge.
Sorry for my english.
PermalinkI think you will find that it is a artefact of the sunlight going through the UV filter, but it may be one of gods angels. I think I might have got a bit of money for this image though if it was divine proof.
Permalinkin your photo i’ve find an indefinited image in one light round, near the sun on the left
have you see that,
i think is an Angel og God,
may be ?
Fabio from Italy